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Eco-designed Annual Report

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About the ESG report

The ESG report offers a comprehensive overview of our sustainable practices, demonstrating our commitment to creating enduring long-term value for stakeholders such as customers, investors, employees, communities, and beyond, while responsibly managing our business operations. It showcases both the financial and non-financial performance of SRF Limited, highlighting the current systems, processes, performance, and initiatives implemented during the reporting period.

SRF’s factory aerial view
Scope and Boundary

The report highlights the performance of SRF Limited for the period April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024. This report covers the following businesses of SRF Limited:

  • Chemicals Business
  • Packaging Films Business
  • Technical Textiles Business
  • Other businesses - Laminated Fabrics and Coated Fabrics

Financial numbers in this report are given on a consolidated basis.

Reporting Frameworks

The report is aligned with the ‘Guiding Principles’ and the ‘Content Elements’ of the International Integrated Reporting Council’s (IIRC) framework. The content also conforms to the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards.

The Company has disclosed required information in accordance with Business Responsibility and Sustainability Reporting (BRSR) disclosure principles wherever applicable. The financial and statutory information in this report is in accordance with the requirements of the Companies Act, 2013, and Indian Accounting Standards.

Business Portfolio
SRF’s staff working in its chemical lab

The Chemicals business includes two segments, namely Specialty Chemicals and Fluorochemicals.

Specialty Chemicals
  • Proficiency in fluorine chemistry and extensive understanding of various other organic chemistries
  • Capability to produce active, and non-active advanced intermediaries used in agrochemical and pharmaceutical industries, custom research & synthesis for major players in agrochemicals and pharma space
  • Manufacturer of eco-friendly refrigerants in India with global-scale fully integrated facilities
  • Pharma propellants and industrial chemicals
  • Development of new grades of Fluoropolymers

Our Geographical Presence

With our manufacturing presence in India, Thailand, South Africa, and Hungary, we serve customers in over 100 countries globally.

  • Top Export Destinations
  • Other Export Countries
  • Rest of the World
World Map showing SRF’s global manufacturing presence in India, Thailand, South Africa, and Hungary.
Industries We Serve

We empower a diverse range of industries with our innovative solutions. Our customer base consists of the following sectors:

Icon Automative


Icon Pharmaceuticals


Icon Air Conditioning

Air Conditioning

Icon Manufacturing


Icon Food & Agro

Food & Agro

Icon Renewable Energy

Renewable Energy

Icon Lifestyle & Decor

Lifestyle & Decor

Icon Agro-chemicals




Icon Refrigeration


Icon Technical Textiles

Technical Textiles

Icon Advertising


Icon Events & Exhibitions

Events & Exhibitions

Icon Mining


Icon Electronics


Icon Chemicals


Snapshot of this year’s ESG performance

SRF Limited is dedicated to maintain its position as an organisation oriented towards long-term sustainable growth. We view our ESG journey as inherently collaborative, encompassing the well-being of the planet, people, and ensuring profitability.

This section reflects our commitments, systems, performance, and initiatives undertaken by SRF in mainstreaming ESG into our business activities.


reduction in Scope I emissions


decrease in turnover rate of permanent employees

Zero fatality


new patents granted


increase in training hours


energy saved


energy saved


renewable energy in electricity mix


increase in females at management level


Children in a school enjoying the learning sessions

Registered the ‘Society for Education and Welfare Development’

Society for Education and Welfare Development was set up in 1982 as the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) arm of SRF Limited.

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