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Capital-wise Performance

This section showcases SRF’s performance across the six capitals as per IIRC framework namely Financial Capital, Manufactured Capital, Intellectual Capital, Human Capital, Natural Capital, and Social & Relationship Capital. Each capital plays a unique and indispensable role in our ability to create sustainable value for our stakeholders while simultaneously navigating the complex challenges of our industry. In this section, we present an overview of the six capitals, demonstrating their importance and the strategic imperatives they entail for our company’s continued growth and resilience.

Aerial view of the SRF manufacturing facility
Icon for Financial Capital
Financial Capital
  • Sources include debt and equity financing and cash generated by operations and investments
  • Funds are being invested in various CAPEX projects throughout the business
Icon for Intellectual Capital
Intellectual Capital
  • Considerable investments focussed on ESG and innovation agenda for a competitive edge
  • Due assessment of the returns on investment against the extent to which it might aid business growth
Icon for Manufactured Capital
Manufactured Capital
  • Investments are focussed on expansion, bringing efficiency and upgrading existing equipment and infrastructure
Icon for Human Capital
Human Capital
  • Investment in hiring the right people for the right job so as to maintain its status as ‘employer of choice’
  • Assessing the necessary skills and specialisation to deliver on the objectives
Icon for Natural Capital
Natural Capital
  • Natural capital inputs such as raw materials, water, fuel and renewable energy, etc., critical to operate efficiently
Icon for Social and Relationship Capital
Social & Relationship Capital
  • Fundamental part stakeholders play in creating & sustaining an enabling external environment for the business to flourish
  • Consideration of all relevant factors while making investment decisions
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