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Natural Capital

Environment and Social Responsibility is one of our Aspirations for 2030. In line with our aspirations, SRF considers environmental stewardship a key responsibility and at the same time a driver of Company’s growth. We are dedicated to minimising our environmental footprint by implementing sustainable practices across all facets of our operations.

SRF’s factory setup in a mountainous region
Material issues addressed

Energy Management|GHG Emission Reduction | Air Emissions | Water Conservation | Waste Management


12,680 TJ

of energy consumed

48,69,028 KL

of water consumed


1,236 TJ

of green energy

16,41,263 KL

of water recycled

Sustainability for us is a continuous journey rather than a final destination. We firmly believe in fostering a culture of excellence and sustainability across all our operations. Our commitment to quality, environmental responsibility, occupational health and safety, and energy management is encapsulated in our robust Integrated Management Systems (IMS). These systems, built upon internationally recognised standards such as ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, ISO 45001:2018, and ISO 50001:2018, serve as the cornerstone of our operational framework.

Energy Management

We are dedicated to optimising our energy consumption throughout our operations with a strong commitment to minimise our carbon footprint. We prioritise the implementation of robust energy management procedures and systems, and we actively adopt innovative solutions to reduce energy usage, improve operational efficiency, and increase the share of renewable energy in our energy mix.

Image of plants

Technical Textiles Business procured

42,990 MWh

of renewable energy through group captive power plants.

Chemical Business, Dahej : Increase in procurement of renewable energy from 2,375 MWh in FY 2022-23 to

39,891 MWh

in FY 2023-24.


electricity from renewable sources

We are implementing efforts to expand our renewable power portfolio by implementing solar power generation projects and entering into power purchase agreements with third-party agencies.

In FY 2023-24, our renewable energy and biomass consumption accounts for

1,236 TJ

Our business-wise total energy savings


~6,469 MWh

Packaging Films

~1,557 MWh

Technical Textiles

~2,895 MWh

Coated Fabrics

~1,322 MWh

Refer principle 6, Essential indicators for more details.

Aerial view of SRF’s employees standing in a field in the shape of their brand name
GHG Emissions

Our GHG inventory consists of Scope I & Scope II emissions. Inventorisation has been done in line with the GHG Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard. Through transparency, accountability, and continuous improvement, we are committed to playing our part in mitigating climate change and building a more sustainable future for all. We have implemented a number of energy efficiency measures across our operations to reduce our GHG footprint. We are also focussing on reducing our dependency on fossil fuels and increasing the share of renewable energy in our portfolio.

We are the first chemical company in India to obtain the ISO 14064-1:2006 certification for verification of our greenhouse gas emissions. In accordance with international norms, we have completely stopped the production of halons and phased out Chlorofluorocarbons (CFC) from our operations and are now investing in newer, more sustainable technologies.

Air Emissions

We track the air pollutants originating from our operations. We have systematically implemented monitoring mechanisms on essential utilities, including boilers and diesel generators to ensure that the release of these pollutants is not only under strict surveillance but is also consistently regulated to meet environmental safety standards. The comprehensive monitoring regime is testament to our initiative in keeping emission levels significantly below the stipulated thresholds, thereby minimising our ecological impact and contributing positively to community well-being.

Water Management

In our facilities, we are dedicated to consistently enhancing our water conservation efforts to minimise our freshwater consumption. We achieve this by incorporating a range of water-saving technologies and practices, such as the use of recycled and reused treated wastewater in our operations, and by adopting rainwater harvesting strategies. Furthermore, we have established seawater desalination plant in collaboration with local authorities for use in our plant at Dahej, Gujarat, which will further diminish our reliance on freshwater supplies. Our factories are equipped with advanced wastewater treatment systems that ensure our discharged water complies with the regulatory standards set by the relevant Pollution Control Boards. The condition of the treated water discharged into the environment is regularly assessed by independent external agencies.

Image of a bulb and leaves
Wastewater Recycling at Dahej Facility

In line with our commitments on water conservation, this year we have commissioned 2,200 KLD reverse osmosis plant to recycle process wastewater. Additionally, we have

  • Increased usage of recycled water (RO permeate) in cooling tower by 7% in FY24 compared to FY23
  • Installed 30 KLD STP based on membrane bioreactor technology (MBR) for treatment and recycling of domestic wastewater

2,200 KLD

reverse osmosis plant was installed in Dahej facility

Waste Management

We have waste management procedures in place which takes into account all the waste being generated and its responsible management on site. We actively monitor, minimise, reuse, and recycle the waste generated from our operations. We adhere to local laws and regulations when disposing of both hazardous and non-hazardous waste originating from our manufacturing sites.

Few initiatives taken by the SRF to minimize the waste:

  • Reduce - Reduce the thickness of the polyester film from the existing 12 microns to 8 microns i.e. by 33%, without compromising on product quality and thereby reducing the use of virgin material at source
  • Reuse - The finished products are packed in wooden pallets. At PFB, we collaborate with customers to bring the wooden pallets back to our factories and reuse them. This is a green initiative which helps reduce the use of wood and at the same time saves associated costs
  • Recycle - Use post-consumer recycled (PCR) material, which is typically generated from PET bottles and converted into films. We have committed infrastructural investment for this purpose
Impact of Natural Capital on other capitals
  • Financial Capital: Lowering environment impact due to focussed environmental positive project
  • Intellectual Capital: Innovation to achieve our ESG aspiration
  • Human Capital: Awareness on environment and sustainably amongst workforce
  • Manufactured Capital: Increase production of sustainable products
  • Social & Relationship Capital: Implement environmental initiatives and ensure water security


Technical Textiles business setup, Gummidipoondi Plant

Technical Textiles Business, Gummidipoondi Plant

SRF acquired the facility with its purchase of DuPont subsidiary DuPont Fibres Ltd (DFL) in September 2000 and renamed it Tyre Cord Fabric Ltd.

Biodiversity Management

As a socially conscious organisation, we understand the significance of preserving biodiversity in the vicinity of our business units, and we are steadfast in our commitment to achieving this goal. Through various initiatives, including partnerships with local schools as part of our CSR programmes, we actively contribute to biodiversity conservation efforts. Moreover, we emphasise the importance of fostering awareness about biodiversity conservation among all stakeholders.

We collaborate with local communities, schools, and NGOs to promote environmental education and consciousness. Additionally, we encourage our employees to engage in activities aimed at conserving biodiversity, such as tree plantation drives and awareness campaigns. By fostering a culture of environmental stewardship, we aim to make a meaningful impact on biodiversity preservation.

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